Source code for milla

# Copyright 2011 Dustin C. Hatch
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'''Milla is an extremely simple WSGI framework for web applications


from import *
from milla.auth.decorators import *
from webob.exc import *
import webob
    import urllib.parse
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import urllib
    import urlparse
    urllib.parse = urlparse
    urllib.parse.urlencode = urllib.urlencode

class _AllowAll(object):

    def __contains__(self, other):
        return True

ALL_METHODS = _AllowAll()
'''Allow all HTTP methods (even non-standard ones)'''

'''Default methods allowed on controller callables'''

'''All standard HTTP methods'''

[docs]def allow(*methods): '''Specify the allowed HTTP verbs for a controller callable Example:: @milla.allow('GET', 'POST') def controller(request): return 'Hello, world!' ''' def wrapper(func): func.allowed_methods = methods return func return wrapper
[docs]class Response(webob.Response): ''':py:class:`WebOb Response <webob.response.Response>` with minor tweaks '''
[docs]class Request(webob.Request): ''':py:class:`WebOb Request <webob.request.BaseRequest>` with minor tweaks ''' ResponseClass = Response @classmethod
[docs] def blank(cls, path, *args, **kwargs): '''Create a simple request for the specified path See :py:meth:`webob.Request.blank <webob.request.BaseRequest.blank>` for information on other arguments and keywords ''' req = super(Request, cls).blank(path, *args, **kwargs) req.config = {} return req
[docs] def create_href(self, path, **keywords): '''Combine the application's path with a path to form an HREF :param path: relative path to join with the request URL Any other keyword arguments will be encoded and appended to the URL as querystring arguments. The HREF returned will will be the absolute path on the same host and protocol as the request. To get the full URL including scheme and host information, use :py:meth:`create_href_full` instead. ''' url = self._merge_url(self.script_name, path) if keywords: url += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(keywords) return url
[docs] def create_href_full(self, path, **keywords): '''Combine the application's full URL with a path to form a new URL :param path: relative path to join with the request URL Any other keyword arguments will be encoded and appended to the URL as querystring arguments/ The HREF returned will be the full URL, including scheme and host information. To get the path only, use :py:meth:`create_href` instead. ''' url = self._merge_url(self.application_url, path) if keywords: url += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(keywords) return url
[docs] def static_resource(self, path): '''Return a URL to the given static resource This method combines the defined static resource root URL with the given path to construct a complete URL to the given resource. The resource root should be defined in the application configuration dictionary, under the name ``milla.static_root``, for example:: app = milla.Application(dispatcher) app.config.update({ 'milla.static_root': '/static/' }) Then, calling ``static_resource`` on a :py:class:`Request` object (i.e. inside a controller callable) would combine the given path with ``/static/``, like this:: request.static_resource('/images/foo.png') would return ``/static/images/foo.png``. If no ``milla.static_root`` key is found in the configuration dictionary, the path will be returned unaltered. :param path: Path to the resource, relative to the defined root ''' try: root = self.config['milla.static_root'] except KeyError: return path return self._merge_url(root, path)
def _merge_url(self, root, path): if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] if not root.endswith('/'): root += '/' return urllib.parse.urljoin(root, path)