
Stub controller classes

These classes can be used as base classes for controllers. While any callable can technically be a controller, using a class that inherits from one or more of these classes can make things significantly easier.

Created:Mar 27, 2011
class milla.controllers.Controller[source]

The base controller class

This class simply provides empty __before__ and __after__ methods to facilitate cooperative multiple inheritance.

class milla.controllers.FaviconController(icon=None, content_type='image/x-icon')[source]

A controller for the “favicon”

This controller is specifically suited to serve a site “favicon” or bookmark icon. By default, it will serve the Milla icon, but you can pass an alternate filename to the constructor.

  • icon – Path to an icon to serve
  • content_type – Internet media type describing the type of image used as the favicon, defaults to ‘image/x-icon’ (Windows ICO format)

Number of days in the future to set the cache expiration for the icon

class milla.controllers.HTTPVerbController[source]

A controller that delegates requests based on the HTTP method

Subclasses of this controller should have an instance method for every HTTP method they support. For example, to support the GET and POST methods, a class might look like this:

class MyController(HTTPVerbController):

    def GET(self, request):
        return 'Hello, world!'

    HEAD = GET

    def POST(self, request):
        return 'Thanks!'

This example also allows HEAD requests, by processing them as GET requests. Milla handles this correctly, as it does not send a response body for HEAD requests, even if the controller callable returns one.